Who is responsible for the career development of employees? First and foremost of course, is the employees themselves. They know better than any manager their own goals, aspirations, motivations, and the hundreds of small details that factor into career decisions. They should be willing to communicate with their boss (who must be approachable, especially concerning topics this personal) about where they are, where they are going, and when and how they think they should be getting there.
However, it is also vitally important for a manager to be looking out for his team. For me, it is one of the most rewarding, and most profound, responsibilities, to have that much influence over someone's career and livelihood. It borders on managerial negligence to abdicate the responsibility of career development solely to the employee. A good manager will know what motivates individual team members, have a good general idea of the individuals personnel status (ready for promotion/raise/added responsibility) as well that individual's ability to handle any of the above.
Finally, a company's Human Resources/Personnel/Talent section should also be involved in ensuring that managers have all the information that they need to make informed and timely decisions. They should act as a safety net, double checking that managers have past performance reviews, pay data, market data, title and job descriptions for all employees as well as the title and job description for the next promotion level of all their employees. It does not matter that no one may be ready for a promotion or a raise, the managers need that information to do their job correctly, completely, and competently. Yes, it can be quite the workload to get and distribute all the necessary information, however it is well worth the effort. It is one of the main reasons a Talent organization exists within a company. A good manager and good Personnel personnel will work together towards ensuring no one slips through the organizational cracks.
GenAI Patterns: Guardrails and RAG overview
2 days ago
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